Sunday, April 24, 2016

the inner self

What is important?
What do I like?
What am I afraid of?
What is the center?

Answer to all these questions:  The inner self.


  1. i watched a truly WonderFull movie about dying that Michelle
    linked to me and in it there is a segment of a, well, light
    being, maybe, an energy form that i just love....i am
    thinking of that kind of form being my inner self, my Real self,
    that will loosen from this Outer self when i It (has no
    gender) and i are practicing now...i imagine it to be going around
    this Place, sometimes with me sometimes without me and yesterday
    and today it's been sitting with me as i stitch
    it's strange and WonderFull, doing this
    you could get the link to this movie from Michelle or i guess
    at ???if you should be can be viewed through the 25th...tomorrow.....

    1. thanks grace. I went to the link you gave and the film is there. Thank you xo


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x