Saturday, January 16, 2016

sensuous experience

Textile as a structure and a place of interaction.
Something that is a total experience.

Ancient textiles give this feeling.


  1. omg i'm in more love--that thready piece is that large??? it would like be wrapped in a wing

  2. looking at your beautiful creations in a digital photo is a sensuous experience. i can scarce imagine breathing them in live and in person. and just look at how they intersect there, hanging together. the sky. the clouds. the sunset. the crows. the grass. the snow. sumptuous. enthralling. one and all. x

    1. I needed to look at the bird piece because I had to give it a title, and so just pinned it up over my work in progress, and then pinned some of the work in progress over it...and yes. it took my breath away, those layers and those intersections. Thanks for your beautiful writing. x

  3. the scale & depth of your vision!


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x